Happy New Year!


When the sun rises in Wenatchee it first strikes the mountain tops just west of town.  I sit near the window with a warm cup of coffee and a blanket on my lap and watch the light creep down the mountain sides.  In town the streets are quiet, not yet filled with the hubbub of the day to come.  The light brings warmth and vitality as it slowly, inexorably moves down the slopes and slips silently into town, pouring over the homes and buildings, warming the possibilities of the day to come.  I put my cup in the sink, open the door and feel the cold air on my cheeks.  I carry the memories of the days before into the day to come.  The joy, the love, the loss and the gain, I wear them like armor. Tomorrow the sun will rise on the first day of a new year.  May tomorrow bring to each of you what yesterday already has, warmth and friendship and love.
