There will be no box for you.
No crate to lower you into the bosom of the earth
To lie back into the arms of the sweet cool loam.
No box will do for you.
We will pour you on the land
Where things are happening
Where the verdant forest springs with life.

We will pour you on the water
The water where I drank the memories of you
The water where I immersed myself in family
The water where I swallowed my fear, put my trust in you
And yelled, “Hit it!”

We will pour you on the wind
So you can fly above the trees
And dust the lives of those who walk this sacred place
Get into our eyes so we can see you in our tears
And into our ears so we can hear you teaching us how to live
And love
And die.

And the trees will drink your essence and reach toward heaven
And the waves will rock you
And the wind will sing a hymn for you
And our memories will hold you close.
