Memorial Day weekend two Douglas County Deputies rescued a mother, father and their young son from the frigid waters of the Columbia River.  The trio had been thrown from their rented jet ski.  The mother had somehow lost her life jacket during the accident and without it was in danger of drowning.  The three huddled together in the water but together they were too much for the two remaining life preservers to support and were pulled under several times. They had no strength left to swim. No strength to save themselves.  When they were rescued all three were suffering from hypothermia and water ingestion.  All three were very, very close to death.

On Friday we honored the Deputies with the Sheriff’s Office Life Saving Award, the first time this award has ever been given.  It was my honor to nominate them for the award and what follows is an excerpt from my nomination.

 I do not want to dwell on the facts of this incident; obviously had it not been for the swift and heroic actions of Deputy Poppie and Deputy Schlaman three people would have lost their lives. I would instead like to speak to a comment that Deputy Poppie made, “We were just in the right place at the right time.”  Indeed they were.

Many years ago these two men chose a career as law enforcement officers.  They are both quite intelligent and capable men who could have found success in any given field.  They chose to become Deputy Sheriffs.  They were aware when they made that decision that they would never be rich, they would work rotating shifts, they would work on most holidays, they would be looked on with scorn by many, they would encounter danger, injury and possibly death. In the face of all of this they chose a career of service.

In the course of their careers they volunteered to become Marine Deputies.  Marine Patrol is not a requirement of their job; it is an additional duty that requires intensive training and an ongoing commitment to stay proficient.  Many would believe that Marine Patrol would be a cushy assignment, but we know it is far from it.  There is a big difference between a day of play on the water and a day of work on the water.  There were many people at play on the water that day; only these Deputies had the vigilance to notice this situation and the knowledge to make an effective rescue.

Both of these Deputies volunteered to take a shift working Marine Patrol on the holiday weekend.  They could have stayed at home and spent time with family and friends like most of us did, instead they chose to serve.

Yes Deputy Schlaman and Deputy Poppie were in the right place at the right time, but this rescue was not a product of happenstance, it was a product of Dedication, Commitment and Service.  It was nothing less than heroic.
